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May 20, 2014 Meeting Minutes

Salem Park and Recreation Commission
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Tuesday, May 20, 2014 at 6:45pm
Meeting Location:       5 Broad Street
Members Present:        Chair Chris Burke, James Shea, Leslie Tuttle, Amy Everitt
Absent: Bob Callahan
Others Present:         Karen Partanen, Director Parks, Recreation & Community Services, John Pellitier, Brett Mentuck, Albin Pszenny, Mark Lovely, Samantha Alves, Adam Fitch, Diane Dunlap, Irma Salcede, Chris Palamara, Don Armell, Keri Cahil, John Leger
Recorder:       Marsha Finkelstein

Meeting Called to Order

The meeting is called to order by Chairman Burke at 6:47pm.

Approval of March Minutes

Shea motions to approve. Burke offers a change.  Tuttle seconds.  Passes unanimously.


Chris Palamara  for Pat Burke – Golf Tournament (Firemen’s Relief Association)

On behalf of Pat Burke to discuss Jack Rubin Golf Tournament – 4th year.  18 foursomes will benefit of Jack Rubin Scholarship.  Last year they raised over $8,000 for Salem High School student scholarships.  Shea asked Palamara about financials on last year’s tournament and commented that the Commission usually approves this in January.  Palamara will get the financials and get that to the Commission.  Burke added that he was thankful for them doing the tournament.  Tuttle asked about future scholarships in the coming years.  

Everitt motions to approve and Tuttle seconds. Approved unanimously.

John Pelletier - MIM Parks Map

Mass in Motion (MIM) Coordinator for the City of Salem.  MIM is in 52 communities around MA.  The grant he’s got is used for various things.  They are working on building awareness through maps of the parks in the City.  Went to parks to determine what was there and put together a comprehensive map of each park with all the amenities.  It’s a resource for new and current residents.  The feedback they’ve gotten has been very positive.  The program is easy to access and update data at any point.

Burke commented that this is great and asked what’s next.  Pelletier replied that it’s up to the Commission and the next thing is to get it out/distributed to the community.  Burke confirmed that this project is grant funded for 2 more years.  Shea asked if the maps are on the website and Pelletier commented that the information will be made available to Partanen to post it on the Park & Rec website.  Pelletier added that this should be easy to send and get online – within a week most likely.  If the Commissioners see anything that needs to be corrected, just let Pelletier know.  He also has the funding to make copies to distribute.

Everitt asked if the will have downloadable apps that people can use.  Pelletier replied that they’ve done something at Greenlawn that is downloadable to a phone and said he’d look into it.

Tuttle asked if on 20 Highland if it should be mentioned that the Golf Course is on that map.  Pelletier replied that he’d make the correction as soon as possible.

Burke commented that it was ok with them to print color maps.

Shea asked if when the maps go online if they can be made more readable and Pelletier said it’s not a problem.  He also added that they could possibly do a search feature to make it easy for people to find what they need.

Liz Rogers for Brett Mentuck (Community Gardens)

Joint Use Agreement – The only matter they’re concerned about is the gardeners can only go into parks during park hours.  Partanen will look into it and send it to them.

Beekeeping – Several gardeners have asked about it and commented that there was a hive at Mack Park which is now rotted.  Rogers thinks it’s too late for this year, but may be a good idea.  Submitted a timeline to the Commission.  Rogers commented that she’s been trained and has a hive at her home.  They’ve got a plan and hope to start next spring.

Shea wanted to know about safety concerns about a child going to a beehive and/or people who have allergies.  Rogers will have to look at that and get back to the Commission.  Tuttle commented that there needs to be steps in place to make sure it’s safe.  Burke commented that this may make people who are allergic less likely to go to a park.  

Shea asked if a permit is required to have a beehive and Pelletier and Rogers said no.   

Rogers attached articles about the importance of beekeeping and will make sure information is been made available to the Commission prior to moving forward with this.

Urban Community Garden Proposal – Charity Lezawa, Matt Buchanan and Graeme Marcoux

The teens will help with a garden by the tennis courts across the street from the Saltonstall School.  They want to get the ok for this.

Shea is concerned we’re going to lose another tennis court.  Shea is personally not in favor of this.  Lezawa commented that this could be done anywhere in the City and this location is ideal given the demographics in the area.    One of the big goals is to involve at risk youth to bring them more in touch with what’s going on around them.  Trying to draw people from the local community into this program, especially in the Point neighborhood.  They want to reclaim this space.

Burke asked how much do they plan to spend/invest and how long do they think it’s going to take and how will it be sustained.  Lezawa replied that Salem Hospital gave  them $10,000 which will be used for salaries for the teens and other expenses.  They’ve gotten some other sponsors as well.  They’re creating a park with vegetation and will have an educational component.  The Salem YMCA is sustaining this because it’s a priority for them.  Tuttle commented that there was a real push to get Point neighborhood members to get involved and thinks coming at it from a different angle may work.  

Burke asked what type of an agreement are they looking for and how what kind of structure are they hoping for (membership?).  Lezawa replied that she’s open to suggestions from the Commission and what they’re willing to agree to.  They see this becoming a park and where people can come just to hang out or otherwise.  They submitted a five year plan.

Shea commented that the program is good but wants to move it out to the outfield with the community garden.  She responded that the space is ideal since it’s fenced in and secure.  They plan to build picnic tables, trees, etc.  They also feel that this project is separate and they’re trying to give them ownership over their own space.

Burke commented that tennis was hot and now gardening is hot and the City doesn’t have the money to keep up with these things.  He also added that he doesn’t think we’re giving away the land.  

Shea asked if they’ve talked to the Ward Councillor (Turiel) and they haven’t spoken to him about it.  

Burke asked about where they are in their process.  Lezawa replied that they have around 25 volunteers from Salem High School.  Partanen asked how many students would be hired and they said it was 10.  Shea has a hard time voting on it because they’ve not spoken with the Ward Councillor and the kids that play there to get feedback.  Shea also added that he hasn’t had the time to see the location to learn more and to talk to the Ward Councillor.  

Everitt motions they approve the proposal with the proviso that they work with the Ward Councillor and make this happen.  Tuttle 2nds.  Passes with Shea “Present”

Albin Pszenny & John Reardon – Camp Naumkeag

Joe Andy fund – they give scholarships and have raised/given in the last 16 years over $100,000.  They’ve donated to various children’s organizations in Salem.  They want to have the Camp Naumkeag fee waived for a cookout on June 21, 2014.

Shea motions to approve and Everitt seconds.  Passes unanimously.

Mark Lovely – Winter Island

Lovely is the coordinator for the Greenlawn Cemetery to put wreaths on the veterans graves over the holidays.  They want to get wreaths on every veteran’s grave in Salem.  Wants to hold a fundraising concert at Winter Island on September 7th.  They want to get approval for the event and is asking for a fee waiver.  

Shea asked how many they’re expecting and Lovely responded that it’ll be 500-1000 and not Labor Day weekend.  Partanen commented that there might be a huge strain on parking and staffing.  Lovely’s working on the details with police, etc.

Tuttle asked what the wreaths are made of and Lovely replied that they’re natural wreaths.  Partanen asked what fees he’s looking for waivers.  Just for staff and entertainment parking.  

Shea is concerned about the size of the event.  Lovely commented that they don’t have a problem with the limit.  Shea is concerned about alcohol consumption with such a large number of people.

Shea asked if Lovely talked to the City Council/Bob McCarthy about it.  To Shea this is a big project and he wants to table it to next month and have Councillor McCarthy at the meeting to comment.

Everitt suggest this be tabled until the next meeting.  Lovely is stressing his need to book his entertainment.  Partanen commented that this is a big event and it could be very good, but without the proper planning it could be very problematic.

Shea asked Lovely what he will do if he doesn’t get the liquor license.  And, Lovely commented that he needs to have the income from that.   Shea also stated that they’re asking for fee waivers and Lovely replied that he’s willing to pay the fees.

Burke commented that if they move forward with this, the group would have to be responsible for helping with clean up.   Burke also added that Lovely needs to have a cleanup plan and the licensing needs to be sorted out.

Tuttle motions to approve the event with the following conditions:

  • Clean up afterwards
  • Coordinate Parking with  Partanen
  • Limit to 800 people
  • Stick to breakdown times
Everitt seconds the motion.  

Shea commented that he won’t vote for it because he wants Councillor McCarthy to be part of discussion.  Tuttle amended to include with approval of Councillor McCarthy.

Passes unanimously with the amendment.

Samantha Alves – Parking Passes

Social Worker with Children’s Friend and Family on Boston Street.  Works with kids who need additional support.  Requesting parking pass fees be waived for Winter Island, McCabe & Forest River for their therapists to work with their kids on behavioral issues.  Alves is willing to do this in exchange for park clean ups and volunteer days, etc.

Shea is concerned that agreeing to this will create a precedent that they don’t want.  Burke suggested they provide the passes to the agency and not the individuals.  Burke asked about the usage.  Tuttle asked about the logistics and Alves said they could get that from her the day before or the day of.  

Tuttle motions to approve 5 passes that are designed by Partanen and that Alves is responsible for.  Seconded by Everitt.  Passes unanimously.

Adam Fitch – Gallows Hill

Wants to use Gallow Hills Park on September 27, 2014 as a fundraiser for NSMC.  He’s got all the logistics sorted out.  

Everitt motions to approve and Shea seconds.  Passes unanimously.

Diane Dunlap – Salem Common (Upstart Crows Theater Company)

Requesting use of the Salem Common Gazebo on June 6-8, 2014.  The also want to use it on June 2-4 for dress rehearsals.  Has been in touch with the Salem Common Neighborhood Association and they’re supporting this.  Offering free public performances.  Performances begin at 7:30pm with set up starting at 5pm and cleaned up by 10pm.  Set is very simple and is designed to be as non-invasive as possible.  They have also requested to use the storage space underneath.

Burke commented that on June 3rd they asked to be there till 11pm and Dunlap doesn’t think they’ll be there that long.  Also asked how many in the company live/work/go to school in Salem and many do.  

Shea motions to approve and Everitt seconds.  Passes unanimously.

Irma Salcede – Mary Jane Lee

Wants to use Mary Jane park for the use of the church on June 28th for an outdoor worship service.  

Shea requested that the music be at a reasonable level. Burke asked if they plan to have music for the whole 5 hours.  Salcede replied that they will be mostly eating, talking & worshipping.  3 of the 5 hours, it’ll be used for non-music purposes.

Everitt motions to approve, Shea seconds.  Passes unanimously.

Don Armell – Salem Common

Wants to use the Salem Common for the Salem Dog Festival and the Salem Lions have voted to donate all the money from this event to the Salem Boys & Girls Club.  Plan is to stay inside the Common and will have a self-guided tour available for people to walk their dogs.

Burke asked how they make money and Armell replied that they have lost some bigger sponsors and have a smaller donors.  

Partanen – reminded him that he’s got to be out by 4pm.  Armell said they’ll be out by 4:15pm at the lastest.

Everitt motions to approve and Shea seconds. Passes unanimously.

Jessica Daley – Salem Common (Absent)

Keri Cahil – Winter Island

Wants to use Winter Island for the summer Shakespeare program.  Their enrollment has gone down over the years.  Have 26 participants for July and 27 participants in August.  Most of the staff is from Salem.  Their teen program has their performances at various location in Salem and on the North Shore.  Last year they donated money for various repairs on the Island.  Hold clean up days before & after their performances.

Program starts June 25 and ends August 25th

Shea motions to approve and seconded by Everitt.  Passes unanimously.

John Leger – Common and the Willows

New church that wants to reach out to everyone. Requesting the use of the Salem Willows on July 5th/6th and the Salem Common on August 2nd.

Small congregation of 25 people.  Shea asked if the music would be amplified and Leger replied that it would.  They’re looking for 10am-2pm and want to use the gazebo in the Common and the Band Shell at the Willows.

Partanen commented that the July dates may be problematic and added that the August 2nd date falls out during Heritage Days, but that the date was ok.

Burke asked about the length of time the music was on and Leger said they’d be mindful of the neighbors.  Everitt motions to allow the use of the 2 locations with requirement that the music be at a reasonable level and they reschedule the dates.  Seconded by Shea.  Passes unanimously.

Jason Panos – St Vascio’s

The 4th year they’re running a family picnic.  Sunday from 10-9 all staffed by volunteers.  Burke asked about the size and Panos responded that they’ve never turned people away.  Panos commented that they get a lot of attendees from the marketing they do with information to the church and with banners on Washington Street in Salem.  

Partanen was concerned about the coordination of having police detail there when alcohol was served.  Partanen commented that they need to work with Winter Island manager to determine where Port-A-Potties are located because there was a problem last year.

Panos asked if they could get fees waived because they’re a charitable organization.  Shea commented that they won’t do that this year.  Parking is also a problem Shea added. Partanen commented that parking was a problem last year and that people will have to pay to park there if they drive in.

Burke asked how many people they had last year and Panos responded that they sold just more than 1000 dinners.  Burke commented that since it’s one of the biggest events last year. Shea added that there were complaints about drinking last year and that can’t happen again this year.  Panos commented that they will do everything to make sure things go smoothly.  Partanen will coordinate with Licensing Board to get a things moving along.

Shea asked Burke if they can have a special meeting to decide on this.  Tuesday, May 27th at 5pm is the proposed date for the interim meeting to discuss this. Partanen will email the Commission members and confirm when things are set.

Superintendent’s Report

Revenue Reports

Everything is ok.

Ball Park Signs

Partanen stated that if the Commission is ok with her sorting this ok, it’s fine with her.  Tuttle commented that she loves the sentiment.

Miles Over the Moon

This is on record that 50 percent of the proceeds will go to the charity their choice.  

Leslie Tuttle Reappointment

Shea is in favor of reappointing Tuttle for another 3 year term.

Parks & Facility

Mack Park House

Everything is moving along and Partanen is expecting to meet with City Solicitor and getting the lease agreement going.

Aquatic Services

Going fine.

Field Schedules

Coaches are getting access to online system to help with researching and then reserving locations.

Adjournment at 9:00pm

Next Meeting June 17, 2014